Sunday, July 28, 2013

Are There Really Three Trillionaires Trying to Tame the Tornado of Tempestuous Markets?

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By Alex S. Gabor written exclusively for on May 29th, 2012. Released via Blogger on July 28th, 2013. Licensed to via the Infinite Freedom Foundations of Earth International, Budapest, Hungary. All World Reproduction Rights Reserved! Despite the 15% stock market rally over the last six months, many billionaires are quietly dumping their American stocks . . . and fast. As a non appointed public advisor without portfolio to Soros Fund Management and George Soros Sr. via public posts at, Alex S. Gabor & Associates Investment Advisors has advised all who read here that, "Banner Corporation is no longer a buying opportunity but rather a wait and see or hold or short against the box trending indication" This advice is resulting from uncertainty surrounding recent events where certain members of the press were barred from attending a D.A. Davidson Investor Presentation event in Seattle and only institutional investors were invited, yet the world's three trillionaires were barred from entry, despite requesting permission to do so. What is Banner Corporation hiding from the public? Some billionaires are selling into a rising market, and only buying on the deep dips, and are expecting another huge dip as the IRS Affair becomes the laughing stock of the global financial industry. Apple not paying taxes is another story tarnishing the Obama Administrations lame duck operations. It's policies have doubled the national debt. Now the world's three trillionaires are connecting via ThoughtWare to assess the next wave of damage to the global financial markets before it happens, and to protect their assets from going down with the rest of the fleet of ponzi induced financial insitutions. Intel is being dumped because ThoughtWare is too close to developing into a world wide reality. Gabor S. Acs is the inventor of thoughtware and the world's first trillionaire. He became so months before walking away from a legal battle with the SEC over his involvement in a company that was going to have the worldwide exclusive rights to ThoughtWare, a technology that allows humans to communicate without a mouse, keypad, or other mechanical device, instantly. One billionaire recently dumped 14 million shares of JPMorgan Chase knowing that it soon will become one of the four big banks too big to manage and therefore it must be dismantled much like Fannie and Freddie have been seized by the U.S. Treasury Department. JP Morgan Chase is now selling off all of its copper warehousing operations in London estimated to be valued at more than $200 Billion and controlled at one time more than half of all the copper in the world. The Feds Justice Department) are just now investigating before they begin actual criminal charges. JPM is listed as a Defendant in the IBARC lawsuit alleging that the bank holding company and its top executives are engaging and continue to engage in a Ponzi asset flipping scheme with international bankers to cover up mounting losses from hard asset prices plummeting as a result of global deflation of credit and their derivatives. There has been talk between trillionaires like Peter Munk, George Soros and Gabor Acs, via ThoughtWare Communications, about influencing the Federal Government toward winding down the four too big to manage and control banks, along with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and giving them exclusive license to create a market in zero interest mortgages which would transfer wealth to American homeowners over the next decade in greater amounts than at any other time in history. Changing the tax laws to give homebuyers a tax credit for paying down their homeowner debt and incentivizing home ownership rather than debt service is a key in the strategy of IBARC. If the US embraces this policy of zero interest for homeowners, and a global market is replaced with sane assets, there will be hope for the financial systems of the planet, says Gabor, but Peter Munk and George Soros have not had direct conversations with Acs. All of a sudden home prices and residential property sales are rocketing again while the REIT Industry is heading into a period of turmoil over bad commercial debts which is impacting the financial sector. Soros, Munk and Acs all saw it coming. A REIT implosion will be inevitable as soon as the Fed stops sopping up bad credits with its bad bond buying program. Billionaire George Soros recently sold nearly all of his bank stocks, including shares of JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, and Goldman Sachs. All three of these too big to manage and too big to jail banks have been named in IBARCs $500 Trillion Lawsuit. Through ThoughtWare, Gabor S. Acs has been advising Soros and his Cayman Islands operated Soros Fund Management via posts at See King Alpha to sell or short WalMart, and recently reversed his advice to buy Banner Corp and is now of the opinion that Banner is heading for serious trouble much like Washington Mutual, which Alex S. Gabor predicted would collapse or be forced to merge 18 months before it happened. Between the three banks, Soros sold more than a million shares. This is a signal that the housing market is getting ready for the zero interest mortgages to be underwritten by the world's first trillionaires, all three of them being of Hungarian Origin and descent. In case you didn't know who they are, google "Gabor S. Acs, George Soros and Peter Munk of Barrick Gold, three trillionaires taming the tempests of the financial markets". These professional investors are aware of specific research that points toward a massive market correction, as much as 90%, over the next decade as the national debt issue causes the US to default on its own bonds and notes to foreign banks and investors who have relied on false economic data about the United States for too long. China's banking system is particularly vulnerable to dollar denominated assets as its credit bubble is now reaching a new head. But that correction could come in the form of bonds, not stocks as bond investors are dumping bonds in light of a pending wave of REIT Bankruptcies that sopped up all those bad foreclosed homes en masse under the wrongful advice of Warren Buffet of Berskshire Hathaway who is over invested in the periphery of the housing industry. Berkshire, Wells Fargo and Goldman Sachs have also been named as Defendants in the $500 Trillion IBARC Lawsuit. Bonds sold off for cash are being liquidated at unprecedented rates while the proceeds are pushing the stock indexes higher and higher, something that the four big banks like to see due to their garguantian role in manipulation of stock prices. Each of them have trading divisions which buy and sell commodities and currencies as well as stocks of various public companies. They trade on behalf of the pension funds who hire them as money managers. The entire pension system is teetering on collapse as witnessed by the recent protests of Detroit Bankruptcy pensioners. More than 36 cities have filed for Chapter 9 Bankruptcy and many more are on the way. When you unwind the inflation of the past 100 years, that is exactly what you get. A deflation of the number and principal amounts of bonds outstanding. That can be done over night with the stroke of a pen and $15 trillion in assets can be refinanced (American Housing Industry) within a year, and the six entities that make up the mortgage market now can become more focused on big business rather than making micro loans to residential homeowners, relatively speaking. Why waste time underwriting a a single family home when there is more money in mass foreclosures and then lending money to REIT's who then have to deal with all the Realtors and wanna be property flippers. Slaying the Octodragon is getting easier every day and every day more bad debt is being sopped up by the Federal Reserve, but soon they must stop. Bonds will become worth less. Much Less. Cash has always been King but the penny is still the basest coin ever invented and forms the bottom of the pyramid. As below so above, as above so below. So be it. Gabor S. Acs, despite the bad raps he has gotten from the SEC, is preparing a letter to both Soros and Munk, advising them of their mutual trillionaire status due to the developments of ThoughtWare and is proposing to joint venture the privatization of JC Penny and Barrick Gold and go after Walmart, and the six largest financial firms in America, in what might be the greatest financial battle ever to be invented by the minds of men who have nothing better to do with their time and money. Acs says that with the stroke of a pen in a certain consulting agreement with Barrick Gold he can raise $200 billion to buyout all the gold and copper being held by JP Morgan Chase in London warehouses to replace all the lost production from Barrick's legal entanglements. Acs wants to take Barrick private as part of the deal proposal he is making publicly via various brokers in Canada. Why short BRK.A? Perhaps when the dismantling begins, GS and WFC, both holdings of Buffet, will get black eyes. They are heavily involved in bad asset flipping and padding their balance sheets using a three way Ponzi type scheme in which bad assets are sold off, fees are generated on the books, and profits materialize out of thin air, all of it false and misleading the general investing public and a whole lot of pension fund managers. Buffet is the one who has so far made off with more billions than Madoff. They just haven't caught him yet because of all his shining perfect history of investing as the Sage of Omaha. Why short BANR? Because the Feds are blocking or seeking to block any mergers of any banks nationally and the idea that Banner would go into a freindly deal with Washington Trust and Peoples bank to create the second largest bank in Washington is now a preposterous idea fostered by none other than C.R. Roberts of the Tacoma News Tribune who broke the story about the previously failed Banner and Frontier Mergers. Why short WalMart? Here is a critical review of WalMart produced by yours truly and posted to Youtube: